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The Bridge Church exists to connect people with God and equip them to make a difference in their homes, their communities, and the world.





We believe in being real in everything we do and demonstrate this through seven core values:


Real Love

We love people where they are, so we will make a place where everyone can belong.


Real Respect

We respect those above us, beside us, and under us because of the calling and potential God has placed inside of them.


Real Trust

We earn and practice trust by believing in the abilities and strengths placed in each of us.


Real Service

We don't control outcomes, but we do control output. We pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on us.


Real Relationships

We believe you were created for relationships. When people are experiencing these relationships in their lives they begin to find meaning, fulfillment, and purpose.


Real Faith

We believe to impact our city we can't think small. We will set impossible goals, take bold steps of faith, and watch God move. 


Real Fun

We believe that you can live a life of faith and have fun doing it every step of the way. 

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