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A Letter From Our Pastors


There is something about a home that draws people. Home, the place we return to after a long journey, the place we can be ourselves, and the place we are surrounded by those we love. Songs of all genres have been written about going home, coming home, welcome home, our house, my hometown, the list continues because everyone dreams about home. Everything from postcards to Christmas cards, to Facebook and Instagram posts, tells a story about building a home, decorating a home, being at home, of house parties and family dinners, of our lives and the people in them.


When we tell people about our family’s decision to plant a church in our hometown, many have been curious as to the reason why. Our answer – first because we feel led by God, and second because we feel like everyone deserves a spiritual home. We know first-hand what it is like to feel spiritually homeless, to feel disconnected, confused, and to doubt what our purpose is in this world.


While we did our best to live up to the calling of ministry, many times putting on the smile we knew was expected of us, eventually, we found ourselves exhausted with pretending we had it all together. We decided to go back to the basics, to clear our hearts and minds, and allow God to direct our lives in a way only He could do. Since that time, He has taken us on a journey of restoration and hope, He has truly brought us home.


Along the way, He began to speak into our hearts and open up doors that would lead to starting a church in our hometown of Cape Girardeau. We knew it was time to share our journey, and help as many people as we can find their home in Christ the way that we have. 


We love our community. As a young couple we attempted to move away several times, but always came back to the ever-changing weather, the river that defines the border of our town, the Tigers and the Indians, the Redhawks, this perfect blend of country and city life, this beautiful city of roses. All of those things are a part of what we love, but what we love most is being a part of a life giving church, right here in Cape Girardeau, because we know what it’s like to be spiritually drifting, and we know what it’s like to find a home. And there truly is no place like home. 


Rocky and Laura Strand

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